
Friday 22 March 2013

The End Of Indolence

         It has been a while since I wrote last. The cusp between college and a job really sees the laziest side of a person. But today, I have decided to shrug that evil off me. What I find weird is that the time when we have work to do, is the time we feel like doing all other productive activities. And when we don't have studies or a job, we feel like being totally idle. Something like going with the flow. Besides, what makes it worse is the fact that this 'zero month' was really memorable for me. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to do nothing at all.. A state of total relaxation. Oh, the divine pleasure of eating and sleeping , it's uncomparable. Alas, it's the end now of this utopian period of time for me. Damn the angel in my head..has intimidated the devil into the corner ! Way to Go, myself!!! :)  Need to search for ideas for being productive and healthy now. Any help?

 I guess Garfield isn't helping, is he?? :) 

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